Posted by Sandbridge

Welcome to Everything Sandbridge!

Welcometo our Blog!   It is our hope that "Everything Sandbridge" will live up to its name.We are Sandbridge Blue RealtyServices and we endeavour to provide rental guests and vacation home owners the finest managementservices on this wonderful strip of land located on the beautiful southeast corner of Virginia.While our focus is in rentinghomes and keeping our guests and owners happy with our services, the fact is we want to be yourprimary outlet of information of "Everything Sandbridge."
Look for photographs from our rental guests, local news, information on newbusinesses, restaurant reviews and recommendations, and of course any civic events that take place in ourgreat little community.
We are getting our feet wet on the Bloggosphere!
We will update the content often, and promise not to make a daily sales pitchfor services that you see so often on other blogs.   In short we want to be your sourcefor "Everything Sandbridge!"
All the best from the beach!
Go Whale Watching in the Winter! Next
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