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Somewhere over the rainbow - Memory Monday 10/25/2021

We hope you are having a fantastic Monday wherever you are. Things are glorious in Sandbridge (as usual), and we are counting our lucky stars that the weather is as good as it is on the last Monday in October. This week's Memory Monday photo submission reminds us of how lucky one can be. No

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Ohana in Sandbridge - Memory Monday 9/6/21

Happy Labor Day. We hope you have today off and are spending it with your family at the beach! What a great beach day it is today in Sandbridge. Family Gatheringsare a staple of our business at Sandbridge Blue. Each week the majority if not every one of our rentals involve some type of a

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Keeping an eye on Isaias

Greetings from another beautiful Monday morning here in Sandbridge. It looks like a super beach day, but everyone is keeping an eye on the weather with the approach of former Hurricane and now Tropical Storm Isaias.Storm impact expected to be minimalfor the Sandbridge area at this time and no

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Beach Memories - Memory Monday 3/2/2020

Good Monday morning to everyone from Sandbridge beach. We have lucked out again at the first of this week as the weather is expected to bring us temperatures in the 70's this week. We can confirm that spring is definitely in the air!Photo MemoryThis week's photo memory comes to us from Shanel

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February Sunrise - Memory Monday 2/24/2020

Greetings from a sunny and cool Sandbridge where we are enjoying the sunny skies today, but also ready for the temperatures to rise to the summer season. Days like today make us understand that better days are ahead. It is hard to believe today is the last Monday in February!Sunrises don't take a...

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Great timing - Memory Monday 4/15/19

Greetings on this beautiful Monday. You know what today is right? Yep, tax day 2019. Be sure you get your returns in today! You won't be jumping for joy, but you will have good timing if you get it done.1-2-3 JumpSo speaking of jumping for joy, how about this week's Memory Monday photo for

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Snowy Owl spotted in Sandbridge!

Photo by Karen BeattyAs our neighbors to the north are expecting moresnow this weekend, we have no snow in our SandbridgeBeach forecast.  However,recent sightings of a Snowy Owl at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge have birders and nature enthusiasts excited aboutits appearance.  They have...

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