This week instead of a photo memory submission we are bringing you a bit of news on this Monday morning regarding Sandbridge beach and the ongoing beach nourishment being pushed back from this spring to next fall which has local residents concerned.
WVEC - 13 News first reported the story last week that the planned replenishment of Sandbridge Beach is being delayed until November because of the recent partial government shutdown.
The $20 Million project was to have begun this spring and be completed by this summer.
According to public works department officials the recent partial government shutdown pushed the project back by two months. That push back caused an even longer delay because the project would be at its height during the sea turtle nesting season. Sea turtles are federally protected species and thus no beach replenishment work can take place when there is nesting activity.
Reaction of Sandbridge Residents Mixed
Many residents are quite concerned about the delay for this project. Community member Bill Gasset told 13 news there are some areas of the beach that are almost gone at high tide. "You can definitely see the difference in the tide lines coming up very close to the houses in some places."
Meanwhile other residents understand this is a process that will eventually be completed - just not as soon as originally expected. The positive of this delay is that the project will not be done during the summer season so there will be no disruption to vacationers visits to Sandbridge.
The replenishment project is expected to begin now in November 2019 and be completed by the end of winter.
Stay tuned as we keep an eye on the project.